SAVA Singers Course

Sing in Harmony

Lesson Length:  2 hours, twice weekly
Term Length:  13 weeks
Course Fee:  $600
Level:  All Levels, audition or permission required
Teachers: Bettina Sheppard; Inmi Song Thomas
Next Course Start Date: January 20, 2020

SAVA Singers is a choral and performance workshop.  You will study ensemble singing by working with a group.  Learn harmony skills for vocal concerts, musical theatre, and recording jobs.

It’s always a fun class, with the added benefit of including these performances on your resume. Music will be provided and many singing styles will be covered including theater, jazz, rock, pop, classical (particularly in the spring).

The Spring Term includes a performance in a major New York venue such as Carnegie Hall or Lincoln Center.

The Fall Term ends in a benefit holiday performance.

“What a great joy it was to work with you toward our
performance in Carnegie Hall. Super job!”

Dr. Tim Sharp, Executive Director of ACDA (American Choral Directors Association)

You will learn:

  • how to sing in harmony and hold your vocal part
  • highlights of reading music and interpreting a score intelligently
  • how to perform with an ensemble group

You will come away with:

  • Performance credits for your resume
  • Performance video footage (when possible)
  • Ability to work in harmony with a group
  • Musicianship skills
  • Networking for future work

  • The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.

  • The only thing better than singing is more singing.

    Ella Fitzgerald
  • I don’t sing because I’m happy; I’m happy because I sing.

    William James
  • You can’t stay the same. If you’re a musician and a singer, you have to change. That’s the way it works.

    Van Morrison
  • If I cannot fly, let me sing.

    Stephen Sondheim
  • And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

    Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Music in the soul can be heard by the universe

    Lao Tzu
  • The only escapes from the miseries of life are music and cats.

    Albert Schweitzer
  • People who make music together cannot be enemies, at least while the music lasts.

    Paul Hindemith
  • Ah, music! A magic far beyond all we do here!

    J.K. Rowling
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